Episode Three
[audio:http://www.archive.org/download/BeautifulRed-03/BeautifulRed-03.mp3]The birds weren’t that bad after all. They really did just chirp, and about three of them flapped benignly over Jack’s bed until she hit the off button on the alarm. “I can live with that,” she said, getting out of bed and padding to the bathroom.
She went through the usual morning paces and was out the door within fifteen minutes. She washed down half her breakfast bar with coffee as she headed for the train stop. The morning was pretty much the same as every other day, maybe a few more streeters than before. It seemed like there were more streeters every day. It was hard to tell if it just seemed that way; if there were any official stats on the number of street people, they were classified and unreported. Most people were thankful for what they had and didn’t like to think about the alternative.
- low level format by Bjorn Fogelberg
- some sonics provided by The Freesound Project
If you have feedback, I want to hear it! Leave a comment on the website, send me an email or call me with your comments at 206-339-8577.
I know I said this over at Mik’s board, but great stuff, Darusha! I can dig it.