Beautiful Red is now available at! The bad news is it costs $21. This is not my doing, and I’m working to reduce that amount by a lot. I will keep you all posted.
Feel free to pick up a copy if that price suits you and or write a review!
Explorer of Worlds Real and Imagined
Beautiful Red is now available at! The bad news is it costs $21. This is not my doing, and I’m working to reduce that amount by a lot. I will keep you all posted.
Feel free to pick up a copy if that price suits you and or write a review!
I’ve gotten a few friend requests from fans, which is kind of awkward for me as I don’t accept FB friends unless I have another connection with them first.
So, now I’ve now made a page for myself on Facebook as a writer. Feel free to become a fan, and I’ll keep it updated on what’s going on with my writing.
Also, feel free to follow me on twitter, though be prepared to get a lot of tweets about traveling, as that’s what I’m mostly doing these days.
Beautiful Red is in great company on
I came across BR as a featured book on their front page, next to Victor Hugo’s classic Les Misérables. Amazing.
The podcast of Beautiful Red was nominated for a Parsec Award for Best Speculative Fiction Story (Novella Form), and I’ve just found out that it is a finalist. I am in amazing company – works by Timothy Callahan, Patrick McLean, Mur Lafferty and Scott Sigler are also nominated in this category. I couldn’t be happier to be thought of in the same category as these authors.
The Parsec Awards celebrate excellence in speculative fiction podcasting, and will be held at the Dragon*Con convention in a few days. I won’t be able to attend, given that I’m only a few weeks out from departing on a long world sailing trip, but my thoughts and well-wishes go out to all the nominees.
Beautiful Red got a nice mention on SFFaudio recently.
If you like SF and you like audio fiction, do yourself a favour and subscribe to SFFaudio. They’ve got the low down on all kinds of great audio, online and offline.
The Beautiful Red podcast novel now has its own page on Facebook. If you’re a facebooker, go add yourself as a fan of Beautiful Red. To become a fan, click the “Add to my Products” link on the profile page.
My pal Steve Holden (of Tech News Radio and the Jersey Boys podcast) sent me an email saying “Your book is happening in the real world …” with a link to this story:
The recent armed robbery of a Chicago-based co-location facility has customers hopping mad after learning it was at least the fourth forced intrusion in two years. They want to know how C I Host, an operator that vaunts the security of its data centers, could allow the same one to be penetrated so many times.
…the same location has been the target of at least four burglaries or robberies since August 2005, according to police reports and former customers, some of whom say they lost sensitive data and hundreds of thousands of dollars in hardware.
via The Register
As William Gibson might argue, science fiction is more about the present than any imagined future.