In the last couple of weeks, I’ve have a new short story and poem come out. Busy times!
You can read and/or listen to “A Wish and a Hope and a Dream” at Cast of Wonders and my short poem “Force Nine” is up at Liminality today.
Science fiction and mainstream books by award-winning author M. Darusha Wehm
In the last couple of weeks, I’ve have a new short story and poem come out. Busy times!
You can read and/or listen to “A Wish and a Hope and a Dream” at Cast of Wonders and my short poem “Force Nine” is up at Liminality today.
And here it is! The first episode of the audiobook version of Pixels and Flesh! Have a listen for free over on my Patreon site.
The podcast is a Patreon exclusive, but I’ve made the first episode public, so everyone can get a taste of what’s to come. if you like what you hear, you can join the Patreon at the Audiophile level for as little as $2 a month. Expect new episodes each week.
The ebook will be available to patrons at the $3/month or higher level as soon as the podcast is complete, before the book becomes available worldwide at most ebook and online paperback retailers in mid-December.
I hope you enjoy the podcast and thanks for making this happen!
I am thrilled to share the cover and blurb for the forthcoming Andersson Dexter book, Pixels and Flesh.
After settling into a new job, new home and new living arrangements, Andersson Dexter has finally found a comfortable life in both the physical and virtual worlds. But that sense of security is blown apart when an explosion rocks Dex’s real-life Nice neighbourhood.
He and his colleagues begin an investigation into a string of seemingly senseless and random vandalism attacks, that remind them all of similar assaults in the simulated world Marionette City. While at first the attacks seem more like a nuisance than a threat, Dex discovers that there are more serious — even fatal — consequences.
As the trail leads Dex closer and closer to home, he is forced to confront the lengths he is willing to go for justice.
We are on track for a December 2017 release, but my supporters on Patreon will get it before anyone else, in ebook and audio formats!
As many of you know, I love to be able to be able to share my work directly with readers. So, to that end, I’ve recently launched a Patreon site.
If you’re new to Patreon, it’s kind of like Kickstarter, but to receive ongoing content for a small monthly cost.
I’ll be releasing monthly short stories, plus other content to patrons. For the Dex fans in the house, you can get the ebook early, plus I’m working toward a goal of creating audio for the new Dex book.
For one US dollar a month, you’ll get access to the following patron-only content:
- A monthly short story
- The first look at new material
- Inside the Sausage Factory: insights into the writing and creative process
For another buck, you get all that, plus a patron-only podcast of the new Dex audiobook before it’s released, and any other future audio
At $3/month you’ll also get ebook files of all my new in potentia press titles (like the new Dex book) before they are released.
This has only just begun, so I’m also asking folks what other kinds of content they’d like to see available. There’s a poll over on the site now and I’d love to hear your thoughts.
There are already a couple of stories available to be unlocked, so sign up now and be the first to get all the new content I’ve got planned!
A few weeks ago, I wrote “The End” on the first draft of a new book. Here’s a hint (from the opening lines):
Some of you have been asking for a new Andersson Dexter book for… a while. 🙂
At the moment, I’m planning for a worldwide release in December 2017.
If you’re new to the Dex books, the first in the series, Self Made, is available for free download at most ebookstores and directly here on the site.
I am thrilled and delighted that Children of Arkadia was chosen to be part of the inaugural StoryBundle curated by the Science Fiction Writers of America.
The all science fiction bundle includes excellent titles by incredible authors and I am honoured to be in their company. Check out the list:
The initial titles in the SFWA Science Fiction Bundle (minimum $5 to purchase) are:
If you pay more than the bonus price of just $15, you get all six of the regular titles, plus SIX more!
This bundle is available only for a limited time via It allows easy reading on computers, smartphones, and tablets as well as Kindle and other ereaders via file transfer, email, and other methods. You get multiple DRM-free formats (.epub and .mobi) for all books!
Here’s more about the bundle, from curator and SFWA president, Cat Rambo:
I am so pleased to present the first ever SFWA-focused StoryBundle. The idea for it has been hovering in my head for a several years but it was only last year that we finally had the contacts and volunteer structure to actually enact it. Last year I asked SFWA members to send in their science fiction and fantasy works for consideration in the bundles, and the enthusiastic response to that call let me assemble this awesome bundle as well as a second one, this time with a fantasy focus, for later this year. Midway through this year, we’ll open up the call for applications for the 2018 bundles.
If you’re curious about other SFWA offerings, sign up for our quarterly newsletter, which features new and backlist releases from our members in the area of fiction, games, and other offerings.
One reason I’ve pushed this StoryBundle along is because it’s a program that works well for our small press and independently published members, whose market agility allows them to make full use of the bundle. The membership voted to accept these new members in 2015 and one of the challenges was making sure SFWA served their needs. They’ve added immense enthusiasm and knowledge to our hive mind, and it’s great to have a way that helps them promote their work while also supporting the organization’s Givers Fund, which gives grants each year to encourage and promote fantasy and science fiction writing, including organizations such as the the African Speculative Fiction Society, Alpha Workshop, Clarion and Clarion West, and Launchpad.
If you’re unfamiliar with the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, it’s over 50 years old, and has a membership of professional writers and publishing professionals from around the globe. It administers the Nebula Awards each year. If you’re in the Pittsburgh area, stop by the mass autographing session on the evening of May 19, which will feature (literally) dozens of authors, including many authors on this year’s ballot and SFWA’s latest Grand Master, Jane Yolen. Check out the SFWA website at for information on genre writing, the field, and other services. – Cat Rambo
‘Tis the season… for awards eligibility posts.
2016 has been widely and rightly regarded as a complete shit of a year, but it was personally quite good for me in terms of publications. I published four books and five short stories (four originals) — a record year for me.
If anyone is so inclined to make awards nominations, my short stories are eligible for the Hugo, Nebula, Aurora and Sir Julius Vogel Awards. My eligible works this year are:
“Reflections on a Life Story.” Nature 540, 476 (15 December 2016)
“War Profiteering.” Mothership Zeta. July 2016
“Showing the Colors.” Procyon Science Fiction Anthology 2016. Procyon Press. July 2016
“Alexander Systems.” sub-Q magazine. May 2016
That out of the way, on to a much more fun topic: my favourite SFF reads from this year!
Stay Crazy by Erica Satifka (Apex Publications)
Runtime by S. B. Divya (
“The Orangery” by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam (Beneath Ceaseless Skies)
Short Story
“17 Amazing Plot Elements… When You See #11 You’ll Be Astounded” by James Beamon (Daily Science Fiction)
“5×5” by Jilly Dreadful (Lightspeed Magazine)
“Bend Back the Shadows” by Michael Reid (Escape Pod)
“Fish Dance” by Eric Schwitzgebel (Clarkesworld)
“Our Talons Can Crush Galaxies” by Brooke Bolander (Uncanny Magazine)
“Spirit of Home” by José Pablo Iriarte (Motherboard)
“The Birth Will Take Place on a Mutually Acceptable Research Vessel” by Matthew Bailey (Lightspeed)
“The Curse of Giants” by Jose Pablo Iriarte (Daily Science Fiction)
“The Hunter Captain” by David John Baker (Escape Pod)
“The Right Sort of Monsters” by Kelly Sandoval (Strange Horizons)
“Things With Beards” by Sam J. Miller (Clarkesworld)
“We Have a Cultural Difference, Can I Taste You?” by Rebecca Ann Jordan (Strange Horizons)
Photo credit: Brad.K
Good news, audiobook fans! The Andersson Dexter series is now on Audible and I have a few promo codes for Act of Will to give away. Just enter the Rafflecopter giveaway by joining my (very low traffic) mailing list to be in to win!
Act of Will Audible giveaway
A few days ago, I saw a great idea posted by S.L. Huang: #FictionFightsBack. The gist is to use fiction as a way to support organizations that are doing the hard work of protecting people’s rights and fighting authoritarianism.
I decided right then that I’d put together a box set of the complete Andersson Dexter series and commit to donate all sales to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. So, I did and it’s available now.
Get the omnibus of all three books in the series here, for as little as $5 (but feel free to be generous).
If you’d prefer to make your own donation to the organization(s) of your choice, go for it! You can send me an email letting me know who you supported and I’ll send you a copy of the collection.
Also, do keep an eye on the hashtag #FictionFightsBack for more books and stories where sales are being donated to raise money for organizations that will fight authoritarianism and/or work to protect people’s rights.
Just in time for Halloween, you can read my new short story “Bodies in Rest, Bodies in Motion” here on my website.
It’s a holiday piece about human/machine interaction, human/human interaction and amazing costumes.